Speech: March Away and Expose the Day

This particular speech I wrote for the Head Girl of 2013 to be read as her farewell address.


To Mrs. Theart, our beloved principal whose guidance, understanding and firm hand led us through the years. To our teachers who have given up a lot of time and effort for us, especially Mrs. Margaret who tirelessly drilled us for moderation and finally to my friends and fellow Grade 12s of 2013.

Over the last few years here at DOLPHIN, we have learned a lot.
From Mr. Wales we learned how to formulate a quadratic expression, attack canoes with Pythagoras and slice through the intrepid waters with equilateral triangles.

 Mr. Brandt taught us that there is more than one way to skin a cat, or acquire a chicken or three and that there is always room for Pi.

Mr. Ngandu taught us that no matter what, when building a hall always make sure you know how the roof is going to fit.

All of this knowledge will no doubt be valuable as we go forward in life. But I think that the most important thing we have learned over the years is that we are stronger when we stick together, that we should respect those around us and their differences and finally how much we need each other to succeed.

Again, the most important thing we learned was that we are strongest when we stand as one. Unfortunately not all of us made it. We started out as eight and ended up as seven. Pedro who left the school but not our hearts will for always be in our memory.  Pedro, wherever you are now, from all of us I’d like to thank you for sharing a little bit of your life with us.

Soon we’ll be on our way into the world. We’ll sign each other’s books and say goodbye. We’ll laugh and cry and remember the good times and promise to stay in touch. But we’ll be busy living our lives and doing our very best thanks to everyone that stood with us through our school days.

As a final thought I would like to say that he who outlives this day and comes safe home will stand a tip-toe when this day is named. May we always carry the lessons with us wherever we may go.

Thank you one and all.


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