Belief: Smoke Rings Of The Mind

People believe what they want to believe this is a universal constant.  They employ the services of witchdoctors, soothsayers, psychics, mediums and everything in between to make themselves feel better about events in their own lives.

If these people actually do make you feel better then by all means employ their services but there is a line between therapeutic and false hope.  Hope is wonderful and dangerous.  Hope can raise you high but when you stumble you fall very hard and it hurts.  It is a pain that leaves an invisible mark inside of you.

These Hocus Pocus artists tell you things that you want to hear.  They are sometimes very observant, fluent in body language and highly intuitive.  They do research on their customers and create basic personality profiles.  

They use these skills into fooling you that they know things about you that they can’t possibly know and so; since there is no logical explanation for it; they must be psychic. 

People apply things they hear to their own lives.  It’s like when you sit in church and you think the priest is talking about you (that might just be me).  Psychics work on the same principle.  They’ll make predictions of a general and vague nature.  Later when a series of events happen people subconsciously twist and turn the facts till it fits the prediction. 

Psychics will tell half the people they meet one thing and the other half another.  When they return for a follow up they’ll switch it around. Eventually you’ll end up with a small group of people whose predictions always seem to come true.

The power of belief is a very powerful thing and the body responds to the mind in extraordinary ways.  I'm all for alternative therapies and some; like acupuncture; may even work. 

Crystal healing, magnetic balance, harmonic resonance, chakra control, chi-gong and the list goes on may or may not work.  It may work for one person and not another.  In these cases it is the treatment themselves that work (or don’t) not the belief that the person has magic powers.


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