Humanity: Forget about today and face tomorrow
In the days of long ago anything different had the
unfortunate side effect of being labeled wrong or evil. Dark ages and
witch hunts ensued where science was superseded by religious piety.
In the times of the present however the human race
has evolved and is no longer dragged down by the fear of the
unknown...mostly. We seek it out willingly, drawn to it by an
irresistible urge to know, to identify, classify and modify.
This is part of the human condition and not
something to be hidden away or stomped on out of fear. The world
changes every hour, every minute and every second of every day.
So get out of the new one if you can't lend your
hand for the times they are a changin'[i]
People, for the most part, are unwilling to
change their preconceived perceptions of the beliefs that they cling to.
People, again for the most part, cling to beliefs like a drowning man to a
Picture it this way - Their belief is built like a
house of cards if you remove one piece then the entire structure comes crashing
down around them. They lack the necessary support and strength of mind
and character to accept this and change themselves to their circumstances.
Instead they throw themselves against the rocky
shore like a raging ocean only to retreat and try again in a never ending cycle
through the eons of time.
They seek out likeminded individuals and where there
are none to be found they bend others to their will. They try and change
the world to their way of thinking instead of realizing that they are mere
passengers on a rollercoaster ride into an uncertain future and what they
cannot see is that if enough people work together then surely the darkness
cannot withstand the bright light of unity and co-operation where we can
finally overcome the darkness from within and without and face the new world
However theory doesn’t always work well with
practice. There are so many people resistant to change that the task of
unification seems overzealously daunting. But the universal truth is that
nothing worth getting is going to be easy.
We must fight our fears and our doubts we must
change ourselves and lead by example. Each of us must be our own hero
fighting off the cold of uncertainty, the depressiveness of the nay
We are charged with protecting our children who will
one day protect us. We must guide them by the hand and lift their minds
above the fog of war creating stepping stones for a better tomorrow.
We must teach them the ways of peace and
progress. We must strive for independent minds able to look through the
looking glass with the proper knowledge and support to break away from the
preconceived and into the land of dreams.
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